Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 - Discussion_Medical Anthropology (1)

Week 6 - Discussion_Medical Anthropology

Q Go online and search one of the following topics: Menstruation Human Childbirth Menopause What comes up? As you search these topics, look for images and messages that are communicated to women about the functionality/dysfunctionality of these reproductive processes. How is your topic socially constructed and culturally elaborated? To what degree is it medicalized or pathologized versus constructed as a normal physiologic process? Share 1-2 images that help illustrate your points. These can be shared as screen shots or photographed and uploaded.

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I looked up the word menopause, mostly because my mother is going through it and because I think there is not so much awareness about it, especially among men. Menopause is the onset of decline in reproductive hormones in women when they reach the age of 40s or 50s. the estrogen levels start getting low and there is a deficiency, and as much as there are hormonal changes in the body, and the accompanying anxiety and depression, it is something completely natural and biological. There are medications available to reduce the pain and frequency of hot flushes, and treatment of vaginal dryness with external lubricants and estrogen (NIH, 2017). Sometimes there is also a lot of trouble in sleeping and resultant irritation, but this is very much a part of the natural aging process.